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A Bit About Tali Nesher

Tali Nesher was once very much like you: Navigating the college admissions process for her daughter, she felt daunted by all that she didn’t know. Her own experience helped Tali to understand the complexity of emotion and stress that surrounds the process, and she came to believe that this was her calling.


Soon, she left behind her career in the entertainment industry (though she is still a member of the Directors Guild of America) and graduated with distinction from UCLA with a College Counseling Certificate.


Since then, Tali has made it her mission to not only guide families through the college admission process, but also to work to ensure that students find the next step that is best for them. Working across categories and interests, Tali also offers expertise for film students and for neurodivergent students and different types of learners.


She maintains a respected presence in the industry, networking with college professionals across the country and serving as part of organizations including IECA, HECA, and WACAC.


“Students and their families know that college is a decision that will shape their entire life. There is tremendous gravitas to that, but also excitement. I am grateful that I get to walk them through the possibilities before them, and to help them—and their families—feel confident as they step forward into an exciting future.” –Tali Nesher

"I just wanted to let you know that I got accepted to a total of 12 colleges and was waitlisted at another. I ultimately decided to attend UCLA in the fall! Thank you for all your kindness and support throughout the college process over the past year!! I couldn’t have done it without you! I appreciate it so much!" 


Dylan (UCLA)


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